Sabtu, 04 April 2009

10 things that make people different

1. Ekstrovert opponent Introvert : The ekstrovert happy throng of the people while the introvert who prefers to be alone or spend time with a close friend. The ekstrovert offs because of the people while the introvert can be terkuras enerjinya because of the people.

2. The perpetrator or observer : They dare to take the risk, the opportunity to see if they want to treat it immediately before too late. The observer more carefully. They like to check everything first before making a decision.

3. Which provides the outline or provide details of : providing the outline has a general focus and see the large picture. They think the direction and desire to make everything too. Give attention to the details of things that small-small. Their concern is how to make everything too.

4. Wind shopping or settings : If you have a fitter spending more money, they want to membelanjakannya - for themselves, for others, for the purposes of eligible, for anything. If you have the more money, they want to keep menabungnya in case. They do not like except membelanjakannya very important.

5. Planner or a flexible : planner like structure in which everything terorganisasikan and terkemas with rapih. They love and a time schedule. That is flexible to adjust to the way of life and deal with everything pickup. They tend to be spontaneous and relaxed. The-rapihan not bother them because they believe everything will be OK.

6. That in a hurry or relaxed : The haste is always busy. Speed and efficiency are the keywords they - selesaikanlah as much as possible as soon as possible. Relaxed and taking the time to set the speed of its own. Perhaps they did not complete enough, but they enjoy what they do.

7. Thinker or feeler : thinkers focus on the facts and principles. Dasarkan their decisions on objective data and tend to be task oriented. Focus on the taste and feeling. They dasarkan decision on the data tend to be subjective and oriented relationship.

8. A dreamer or Worker : Pemimpi are people who like a lot of creative idea. They are optimistic and future oriented. Practical workers. They love to take the ideas of others and implement them. They tend to be realistic and focus on that now.

9. Collectors or waster : collectors like to collect the goods. They do not like to throw anything because they fear it sometime. Waster like remove the goods. They do not like to fall apart and they insist that if something is old it is not used, may be will not ever be used.

10. Wind tumbler or the single : Wind tumbler is a multi channel and can handle many things at once. The single is a single channel and can only handle one or two things at once. If they try to do more, they become overwhelmed and stress.

We are all different and unique. That create a balance, diversity, and challenges in relationships. Be grateful your differences, discuss the differences you that.

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