Sabtu, 11 April 2009

What We See is What We Want To See

A United States psychologist who conducted a famous experiment extraordinary. He and his team provide an IQ test to all students in a school before the end of the school. Then they select ten students and the teachers in each of the students, "these ten students will be in your class. We know from their tests that technically they are the brightest students. You will see that they all will be the top in their class in the next academic year. You must promise not to say this to every student, as a result will hurt them. "The teacher is also a promise not to say anything.

The reality is that no one from the list of students is really smart. Tenth child was only selected at random and then submitted to the teacher.

A year later the psychologist is to return to school. They test all students. Some of them said that intelligent tersbut value increased thirty-six points. The psychologist and the interview to ask their teachers, "According to you how these students?" The teacher was immediately respond by using words such as "smart," "dynamic," "fun", "interesting", and so forth.

What has happened to the students if the teachers do not think that they are smarter in class? Thus it is that teachers have to develop all potential students are.

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One regular even if he was trained, motivated, and dimaksimalkan, the result will be as lucky 10 students earlier. Although he met the limitations. We see how an Alfa Thomas Edison, the student is considered tardy in the class, eventually became one of the inventors in the most modern history. Somehow become treated as if it was the tenth child before, wah .. atom bomb can be used to show more time before Einstein.

We also see a Hellen Keller who is deaf, dumb, blind since she was more than 2 years. As a regular, we may be puzzled how to address them, how mengajarinya. Perhaps we should think he will be left alive, spoiled, served, even though he will not know anything until one's fate. But not with the neighborhood. Menemuan a way they communicate with their children through indra perabanya. He also did not dimaja, is educated with a hard, until finally we know that Hellen Keller, with all keterbatasannya can become a lawyer and well-renowned author in time.

IQ we can really only ordinary-ordinary, but do not blame us if we can be a time beyond which someone is considered the genius in this country.

Never assume you are a small people, just because you do not have power over those around you.

Never assume you are poor only because you can not pay your school.

And Do not ever assume you stupid, just because you are smart with the less your competitors. Remember kata2 an Alfa Thomas Edison who had previously labeled stupid by teachers

"The success is only 1% genius. 99% is hard work"

Assume that you are great (do not have to be in the physical sense of course) that is capable of carrying people around us become better, a very rich meal, so capable, and a very smart, so capable knowledge of the practice. But of course, do not you proud and arrogant just because you assume all that excessive. However, God is The Greatest.

It's easy - that, that will be felt also that you and the people around you.

Make people around you to treat you as a person, and the excess is kelaman akan appear with you in faster than before. If you can not make the people around you to treat you like the teachers over the ten lucky students, graduate students and teachers that it ignites in you. You are a teacher who consider yourself as a clever student. It's easy - that, that accomplishment will also come provided that you also learn about.

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